Steven Lai
"I believe dedication and education are the two key factors that transform a designer into an artist. I am very blessed to have a career that few can only dream of. Early on, I dedicated myself to perfecting the 'basics.' I was fortunate to learn from the best and reach beyond what I thought the limit of my talent was. I believe the more you share the more you gain. So as an artist and educator, I share my gifts with others and learn from my peers. By doing so, I develop exciting, original ideas."
Steven, SKD Director
Steven's Credentials
30 years Industry Veteran
Licensed Cosmetology Salon Manager
International and National Hairdressing Competitions winner, trainer and judge
Trainer at 1994 USA Student World Championship Hairdressing Team
US Ladies Section Representative to the Organisation Mondiale Coiffure (OMC)
International Platform Artists in the US, Canada, Taiwan and Japan
Photo and video stylist featured in industry publications and videos in the US, Europe and Asia
National Cosmetology Association Design Team Director and Ladies Hair Designer
Past MN Cosmetology Advisory Council Chairman, Minnesota Department of Commerce
Past President of National Cosmetology Association of Minnesota
Recipient of 2005 NCAM Vera Slater Medallion
Past Board of Directors for National Cosmetology Association
Sakada Studios Director of Continued Education
Sakada Studios Academy Education Team
Board of Directors for Beauty Certified Education Association (BCEA)
Recipient of the Advanced Education Scholarship, BCEA
Why He's Great
"Dedication and education are the two key factors that transform a designer into an artist."

-His Magic-
To view more of Steven's magic, visit his website at stevenlaiimagemaker.com